Find a good dealer who will work with you and explain things. Try out lots of machine, even the ones you won't buy so you know the difference. Buy one with a good service support and a good warranty. Go home and think about it. Then get the best one you can afford. The last machine I had for almost 30 years and sewed professionally for 20 years with it. The investment was worth it.
If you are not sure you will use one much here is an idea to think about. I've seen some good machines at goodwill. Take someone with you who knows about sewing machines. Try it out there and make sure everything is working. Some machines are not worth buying. The tension is so picky that you will just get frustrated and stop and never want to learn to sew and miss the fun of it all.
If you want to sew clothing, you might want a surger. This one is ancient. I have have it for 28 years, but it keeps working wonderfully. A surger finishes your seams by trimming and sewing an over lock stitch at once. It's the stitch you see on all your knit clothing. If you are just quilting or crafting you won't need one. I think it's a must for clothing.
When you have two machines, set them close together so you don't have to get up and down all the time. I have mine at right angles so I just have to turn my chair.
Have your tools close at hand too. The easier things are to use the more you will do and enjoy the process.
This is so helpful and informative. I've been wanting a machine for years but feel intimidated about investing in one since my knowledge and experience is limited. I'll definitely have my husband read this post (actually he reads all of them!) to get a good idea for some future holiday gifts...hmmmm...Valentine's Day IS coming up and he does need some pants hemmed...!
Thanks for the great advice. By the way, I enjoyed the pictures of the machines and couldn't help noticing your work area in the background. It looks very charming. I'd love to hear more about your special space where a lot of your magic takes place... Maybe see some more pictures, too?
Thanks for visiting Beth. I'll be showing pictures of my work room soon.I need to do some clean up first. I seem to make a mess, you know, getting out all the different trims to find the right one to go with what I'm doing. Soon. Thanks, Debbie
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