Monday, October 6, 2008

A Few Fall Things

The weather finally changed over the weekend. It went from the 80's to the 60's overnight. We are now experiencing our typical Northwest autumn. So up go a few autumn and Halloween decorations. Many of my decorations are years old. I painted these pumpkins over twenty years ago, when the children were young, and thought they were scary.
They went trick or treating with these quilted pumpkins.

Wooden bowls of small gourds and multi colored corn rest on tables.
Small ears of corn rest in this cast iron corn bread pan.

Fall leaves are scattered on table tops. The room glows with candlelight late evening, in its autumn colors.

Of course there are some fall wool mini quilts around.
The wool bird is standing on the pumpkin, resting for a moment, carrying the heavy acorn.
When fall comes, I still spend time cleaning up the garden, but most of my thoughts and time are for indoors. I tend to nest. Furniture is rearranged, quilts and throws are layered, for a warm, cozy feel and look. The scents of cinnamon, cloves, and apples waft through the house. It's time for baking bread and making soups. The quilting project, set aside for summer, is brought back out. Candles are lit in the evening. Home is experienced in a different way, comforting us, as the season changes. I see twirling leaves through the window and can't resist going out to walk and play in them. Letting the experience invigorate me, I go back inside, renewed, still smelling the crisp air, to continue nesting.


Krista said...

Those pumpkins are still kinda scary...! :)

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Those pumpkins ARE scary!! lol Nicely done!

I just love your home, so full of warmth and so homey.

Smiles, Karen

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Love all the fall decorations. One of my fav times of the year. Very welcoming!

Paula said...

Oh, I love fall so much... The cool mornings are my favorite part!!
(And a big bowl of home made soup on the stove for supper... *sigh*)